Ministries, Departments, & Agencies

MDAs in


The Kaduna State Government is desirous of getting effective delivery of service from the State’ s Public and Civil Service to the people of Kaduna State. It sees the comprehensive review of the mandates of the MDAs as an important step in this direction. Through a comprehensive review of the mandates of the MDAs in Kaduna State, overlap, redundancy and confusion in mandates can be identified and resolved. This should result in effective and clearly focused mandates that impact positively on the people of Kaduna State.





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Ministry Of Agriculture


  1. Policy formulation and coordination on matters relating to agriculture and agricultural development.
  2. Development and management of state strategic food reserves.
  3. Establishment, supervision and management of botanical and zoological gardens, game and wildlife reserves.
  4. Undertake produce inspection services.
  5. Livestock and veterinary research and development.
  6. Advise the State Government on appropriate agricultural inputs and the timely procurement and distribution of such agricultural inputs like fertilizers, agro-chemicals, improved seeds, tractors etc.
  7. Establishment, rehabilitation and maintenance of abattoirs, grazing reserves, livestock routes, fish demo farms etc.
  8. Promote irrigation agriculture and guide on construction and maintenance of irrigation schemes across the state.
  9. Provide effective extension services for farmers.